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Efficient management: RFID handheld terminal in the logistics and warehousing industry application principle and process

Jul 04, 2024

FID handheld terminals are widely used in the warehousing and transportation industry, which can improve the efficiency and accuracy of warehousing operations, thus realizing the automation and networking of the entire warehousing process.

Application Principle

RFID system consists of tags, read-write and data management system, read-write can be handheld or fixed. RFID handheld terminals are generally used for the registration of goods information, we can stick RFID tags on each goods, can write all the information of the goods into a small tag, to realize the informatization of goods.

After the goods information is uploaded to the back-end system, the RFID sensor on each shelf can screen the goods by reading the RFID tag information of the goods, avoiding the goods being placed on the wrong shelves, and at the same time, confirming the information of the correctly placed goods, reducing the involvement of manual registration.

Due to the large information capacity, RFID tags and terminal data exchange is real-time, all the label content can be quickly uploaded to the server for personnel management. Compared with traditional bar codes, RFID technology can read multiple tags at the same time, thus increasing inventory speed and accuracy. If the customer chooses to automate the entire network release, the entire warehouse inventory requires manual intervention and can be completed automatically from inbound to outbound, reducing personnel expenses.

Application process

1. Receiving and warehousing

When the goods arrive at the warehouse, the goods are first labeled with RFID tags. The RFID tags on the goods are scanned using RFID handheld terminals, and the corresponding goods data is downloaded. The staff verifies and writes the data into the RFID tags of the goods and carries them to the transportation system by conveyor belts and so on.

2. Order Processing and Picking

When the system receives an order, the system will notify you of the delivery of the order and send the RFID information of the task according to the order.The staff finds and confirms the required goods on the interactive interface of the PDA based on the information displayed on the handheld terminal.The goods are transferred through the conveyor belt to the sealing box for packing and shipment, in which the packing staff can verify whether the goods are correct through the RFID scanning of the RFID handheld terminal.


The picked goods are packed in the end workshop. The logistics address registration is automatically completed through the cooperation of goods list system and RFID tags. Goods by the conveyor belt to the shipping port, waiting for the courier company's operating vehicle loading, to complete a complete set of out of the warehouse delivery process.